One of my favourite novels is the quirky The Insatiable Moon by NZ author Mike Riddell. I loved his writing and appearances at Greenbelt years ago. So I was excited to hear at last summer's Greenbelt that the film version of it has finally been ma...
I've just read the Eight Best Films Of 2009: According to Simon Dillon. Unfortunately, I've only seen 3 of them. So, the following need to go on the must-see list: The Hurt Locker, Up and A Christmas Carol. And, if we can stomach the relentless de...
The Times have published their list of the 100 Best Films of the Decade. We watch a lot of films, so here's a challenge. First off, we've not heard of the top film Hidden (Cache), but between us we reckon we've seen about 30 of the rest. There are...
All these films got me thinking about how many we see in a year. Adding up the ones seen on cinema, rentals and TV, I reckon it's about 60 in the last year - that's one every 6 days. Or perhaps more worryingly, 5 days' worth. Hmm.
... at least for Martha. She's signed up for Cineworld's Unlimited offer, where for 11.99 a month, she can see as many films as she wants. Add in Orange Wednesdays, and the LoveFilm subscription (yes, we're going to stop that one), that makes for...
We don't often go to the cinema, though we do watch a lot of films at home, through the NetFilms postal service. So it was a bit of a surprise to go 3 times last week to 2 different CineWorlds. And Martha made it 4 times! Mamma Mia was the draw fo...
I'm kicking myself. I posted a short thought about the Golden Compass movie, but then I've read 2 other bloggers on it. Both have said things I realised or thought, but was too lazy to push through into words. And they've said it better than I wou...