Back at Greenbelt I heard about GodPod - a podcast about, err, God. Well, theology really. Three or four theologians sit round a table, munch biscuits and discuss a few interesting theological questions over the course of 30-40 minutes. It sounds ...
From Rev. Chris' blog: ... Jesus came to announce the end of religion (humanity's attempt to find God) and the arrival of love (God's attempt to find us). And loves means reserving judgment, walking in humility and being very long on compassion, w...
Whilst driving around on holiday we heard an interesting episode of Radio 4's Thinking Allowed (or is it Thinking Aloud?). It explored how UK society is working out how to have various faith communities living alongside ones of no faith, despite t...
Over at the New Statesman, A N Wilson writes on how his conversion to atheism may have been similar to a road to Damascus experience but his return to faith has been slow and doubting. I always find accounts of conversion to a different faith (and...
I've listened to a few more talks-on-MP3 from Greenbelt 07 that I missed at the time. Pete Rollins' Faith with/without God:towards a heretical orthodoxy was a rollercoaster of a ride. He delivered it in a fast, breathless way with sudden diversion...