Over at the New Statesman, A N Wilson writes on how his conversion to atheism may have been similar to a road to Damascus experience but his return to faith has been slow and doubting.I always find accounts of conversion to a different faith (and atheism is another faith, with its own unprovable certainties and creeds) fascinating. Obviously my heart is warmed when people (re)find the God I know and trust, but I find it important to understand when the journey takes people the other way.I listened to a rather unusual reason for the journey from atheism to Christianity on Radio 4's Beyond Belief podcast recently. There Alister McGrath described how his journey was purely an intellectual one (and he has no mean intellect, having degrees in several completely unrelated disciplines).
Continuing the theme as I've started it, I'll be interested to read the account of another high profile rejection of atheism. Anthony Flew is said to be the UK's foremost philosopher, who after decades as a leading proponent of atheism is now a deist. The title of his book says it all: There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind.