I'm seeing a small trend towards using Standing Desks, to encourage fitness. For example, Gina Trapani (of Lifehacker fame) who has written about it at Why and How I Switched to a Standing Desk. Here's an excerpt: My workday—which consists almost ...
It felt gooooood. I managed my longest run yet yesterday evening: 3.6 miles in 36 minutes. I got back early from work, and it was the first time it felt light and warm enough to make a run inviting. I headed up to the disused railway line, and got...
Today I'm happy to say I'm half way to my first running goal: It's too early to see any improvement in heart rate, recovery rate, weight etc. But it is encouraging when I finished my run today, clicked 'stop' on the iPod, and then I heard Lance Ar...
My resolution at New Year was to get fitter - particularly by cycling more and taking up running. With time off work ill that's hardly happened. Taking advice from runners, I decided to invest in some new equipment to give me a boost to get starte...
The food at the Mayflower last night was good - Set Menu D worked well between the 4 of us. The conversation - at least about health - was more challenging than expected. In particular I learned that in any meal only the first 20g of protein can b...