Mitch Joel has a fantastic post over at SPOS called 8 Reasons Why We're Not Prepared For The Future. Using some data from recent enrollments at a college in the USA, he predicts:

1. Percentage of applicants who applied online last year: 89%.2. Students in the class of 2012 who registered computers, iPhones, game consoles, etc. on the campus network by the end of the day on August 24th, the day they moved into their dorm rooms: 370 students registered 443 devices.3. Number of students in the class of 2012 who brought desktop computers to campus: 14.4. Number that brought iPhones/iTouches: 93.5. Total number of students on campus this year that have landline phone service: 5.6. Mac or PC? Of the four classes currently on campus the classes of 2009 and 2010 are more likely to own Windows, while the classes of 2011 and 2012 are more likely to own Macs.7. Average number of emails received per day: 180,000.8. Percentage of email that arrives on campus that is spam: 94%.

His main point is that

It's painfully obvious that the workplace is not ready for these types of graduates. If you think blocking Facebook and access to YouTube is going to increase productivity, take a look at how these future employees work and what their expectations are/will be...

Very pertinent where I work. How relevant is it to youthwork, and in a few more years, the rest of what we do in our churches?

AuthorJonathan Clark