Thought-provoking quote from Steve Pavlina's Development Blog:
Some people think it’s a good thing to tolerate the parts of life they don’t like. That’s dumb. Tolerance isn’t acceptance. Tolerance is resistance. To be more specific, tolerance is resistance to love.
Could he really mean that? He goes on to explain
When you quit something you’ve been tolerating, whether it be a job, a relationship, a bad habit, or an unhealthy diet, you raise your energy and your consciousness. This enables you to imagine, intend, attract, and receive what you really do want.
Do I have things I just tolerate? My new project at work fits me well, with some big challenges, some new technology, and should be satisfying to pull off. I can think of bits of this role and my voluntary roles I don't enjoy, but I'm fortunate that the main thrust of all of them are enjoyable. I've also been tackling minor annoyances around me: decluttering the house a bit, selling some books, and replacing some broken things. Steve finishes with a challenge:
Another word for tolerance is cowardice. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s fairly accurate. If you’re experiencing what you don’t want, it’s because you’re allowing it. You remain free to choose something else. The question is whether you’ll step up and claim it… or chicken out and tell yourself it’s too big or that you aren’t ready or that you can’t possibly make it happen. That’s cowardice.
Maybe I need to sense more carefully other things that could be tolerating without realising it.