We admired art in various galleries in Tenby, St.David's and Narberth. I particularly liked Gary Llewellyn's shorescape photographs, and the fused glass work of Steve Robinson and Liza Burk at the Narberth Gallery.But the best was found at the Little Wedlock Gallery at the home of Anne & Malcolm Gregson. We landed up spending an hour there, including having coffee with them, and chatting about her paintings. We bough a few prints, which we hope to get framed. We much admired the Sea Fantasy original but we don't have a 1m x 1.5m space to hang it. We felt quite a lot of her art was spiritual -- perhaps why we like it? -- for example seeing The Creation in the Sea Fantasy. It seems others agree as some has been used on various Christian book covers. Anne doesn't seem to have that in mind as she created them, partly because the paintings have something of a life of their own as she creates them.
On the last full day, as our car had its rear springs replaced, we had a couple of happy hours over lunch in The Creative Cafe in Narberth. As we walked in, Martha's face lit up in real joy ... she saw a combined tea-pot-for-one-with-cup just waiting to be painted. The rest of us also painted various pieces of pottery. I can't post any pictures of those here, as it might give away what certain readers might be receiving as presents, but here's how Martha decorated the teapot ...