One of Spring Harvest's aims is to be a resource to the church around the country the other 51 weeks of the year. One of the very commendable things they do is to hold some seminars on the technical aspects of making audio and visual systems work in the setting of the 10s of 1000s of churches around the country. Brian Hillson continues to lead them, and continues to be extremely scattergun in what he covers - but perhaps that's somewhat inevitable when there's days worth of material and only an hour available. But he is generous with his team's time to answer 1-on-1 questions from punters like me.Anyway, enough intro. When playing or singing in a band with more than a few others, getting the audio foldback right is always a challenge. The ideal would be that each musician can mix exactly the combination they want, normally with themselves 'highest in the mix'. Currently it takes about 30 minutes each band practice to get this right in my band. And even then it's still a crude approximation of what we'd really like as we only have 2 foldback channels and 7 or 8 musicians. And its controlled at the back on the mixing desk. Big name artists get a better deal - a separate whole foldback mixing desk next to the stage, with lots of channels. So, what got me so excited was seeing a small box of tricks that gives individual control for each musician. It relies on having a Cat-5 (or Cat-6) distribution system, which is no small deal, but allows each person to mix up to ZZ inputs. Wahey! Now I wish I'd pushed harder to get a Cat-5 distribution system in for the video signals - so we could re-use it for the audio as well. Time to go and check out AVIOM's website for more details ...@@@ Mention model name, # inputs + add picture