It's official: this is what I want for Christmas. (As if ...)From Brett's post Impressions of the 4S: "If the only change Apple made to the [iPhone] 4S were the camera enhancements, that would be enough to make me want the 4S. The conventional poi...

AuthorJonathan Clark

Continuing into my other most useful apps (but not ones I need every day) … WordWeb is the best dictionary app I've found for offline use. It also has nifty tools for word puzzles such as crosswords. I think it was free. it's more than possible to...

AuthorJonathan Clark

Continuing my other most useful apps (but not ones I need every day) … Spanish is a very hand free app for anyone visiting a Spanish speaking country. It gives lots of handy phrases for travellers, and can also play recordings of them to help the ...

AuthorJonathan Clark

For the benefit of those I know with new iPhones, here's a short series describing some of the many apps I have on my iPhone. I'm going to focus on apps which aren't built-in or completely obvious to service users (such as Facebook's app). My most...

AuthorJonathan Clark

Humph. Drat. I'm a tad annoyed.A few weeks ago I spent some hours developing a script on my Mac that would do a daily check on the weather forecast for Cheltenham, and let me know if it was going to rain, snow or freeze in the next 24 hours. (Geek...

AuthorJonathan Clark