Reading some WordPress blogs, I realised I should check out the speed of the blog (ie, how quickly pages load). The first step was installing Yahoo's YSlow extension for Firefox, which gives very detailed information on what's going on. (Turns out...
I'm setting up my lovely new Apple MacBook, and one of the good things is the Dashboard. I realised there might be a widget for posting to WordPress blogs, and sure enough there is. This looks heaps easier than opening up pages in Firefox, though ...
Another case of the first plugin I tried not working well. This was **Quote Rotator**, and it didn't display anything, due to some error deep in the JS it was using. It didn't look soluble in a few minutes, and then I noticed in th...
Thought I'd try out the **[Autolink]( plugin** for the blog. According to its very brief documentation, it can tell automatically link to movies by adding a [movie]...[/movie] pair. Hmph. Can't get it to work :-( ...
So, it seems that lots of people don't like the *WYSIWYG editor* in WordPress, so I thought I'd have a look at some alternatives: * [Texy!]( sounded good, but it failed to activate at line 235, and I couldn't see any obvious reas...
Time to try some blogging. From a quick look at the always beta blog, it looks like WordPress has lots of opportunity to get creative, and with lots of useful tools. I've gone for self-hosting, as my hosting plan allows the necessary PHP and MySQL...