We're a few days away from the Referendum on what voting system to have. Well, not a full choice, as the only options are FPTP and AV. Oddly, the STV system doesn't get a look-in, despite it being used to elect members to the Scottish and Welsh As...
I'd missed the news that the British Government are going to have to work out what to do with a new ECHR ruling noting that the UK needs to give prisoners the vote. I read an occasional blog by "AnneDroid", a Chaplain at two British prisons, and s...
We wait to see what Wednesday's historic budget will look like, but meanwhile the Guardian's Data Blog has done an article and picture of all of last year's spending:
This is an amazing animation of a short talk by David Harvey, on the theme of "What Next After Capitalism". H/T Kester Brewin.
Here's one way to look at the results from the General Election: Doesn't look that equitable. Not just to the Lib Dems, but also to those parties who are missed off entirely, like UKIP. Here's a different view which just focuses on those parties w...
I regularly get frustrated with the poor quality of mass-media news. They seem to continually go for the easy surface stories, rather than the deeper stories that really chart what's going on. Stocki gives a recent example of this from his own exp...
ITV are soliciting questions for Thursday's Leaders debate ... I've just used this simple tool to send my questions to the organisers ... you should too!