There's been a lot of interest in Google's new ChromeOS, designed to replace Windows, particularly on portable devices. But some are dismissing it as being irrelevant. Charlie Wood, who has written a Mac app that I use called Spanning Sync, gives ...
A quick techie note, to help others that would also like the following combination: using site-specific browsers (so you can have GMail, GCal or GDocs as separate 'apps' living in their own windows that don't get in the way of other browsing) usin...
Of all the commentary I've seen on Google's new wave technology, the best has been from Daniel Tenner. In a longish piece he argues why it isn't a replacement for social media or networking apps such as IM or Facebook. But rather it could solve so...
A month or two back I landed up having to get a Facebook account so I could see some friends' pictures. Until then I'd shied away from it. Having signed up -- like a fifth of the total internet population -- and now linked up with 50 or so friends...