"Aim at nothing, and you're sure to hit it."
With that quote in mind, we've been thinking about what we want to be working towards in 2010. We thought we'd write them down to help make us more aware of them. And why not share them here, too?Martha's aims are
- read 50 books (not counting books of the Bible!)
- lose 3 stone in weight
- establish Parish Nursing in the Whadoon/Priors/Lynworth parts of Cheltenham
- arrange a Reunion for the nurses she trained with
- become more creative in her Card-Making
- walk 10,000 steps a day
- rejoin the library and stop buying so many novels
- start doing some Running again (perhaps!).
Jonathan's aims are
- spend more time praying
- be more creative: doing more design work for voluntary organisations, or learning some metalwork
- continue his running, and take part in another race or two
- cycle to work much more
- bring down his cholesterol level, which is way too high, despite exercise
- play the piano a lot more this year, particularly working on jazz
- find at least 10 geocaches
- get back to doing some more preaching in the next academic year
- read all of the New Testament, most of the Old Testament, plus at least 6 secular fiction and 6 non-fiction books (easy to do if I finish all the books I have started in the last few years, ahem)
Together we want to continue seeing more of the family, reorganise our study/office space at home, do some decoration in the house, and continue laughing more.We'll post again to see how we did at the end of the year ...