First morning in the US, so I knew it would be easy to go for a run, as the body clock won't have adjusted to a later wake-up. I was looking forward to seeing Annapolis again, as I remember it having the old-world charm (OK, it's America; not that old-world) of Boston's Back Bay. Sure enough, lots of redbrick buildings, and red-brick sidewalks. I ran to the Harbour and back again (2 miles). Unfortunately the view wasn't that great, as it was still dark, and the second half was all up hill, but I did at least some early morning dog walkers, runners and the delivery men starting. I chose different music to listen to for a change, and was interesting to see the effect. Picking some of my favorite worship songs made it easier to keep going, particularly up the hill, as I was joy-ful, literally. Nothing like having the focus on our amazing God and the heavenly future to keep from worrying about the current minute. The track 'Oh to see the Dawn' also gave me an idea for my next sermon :-)