God's Obituary was published in the Economist in 2000. In a commendably open way, it's changed its mind, with the latest issue carrying a Special Report on Religion that's usefully long enough to avoid some common knee-jerk analysis. The main point is that world politics cannot be understood now without understanding the interplay of religion in its moderate and fundamental forms. It develops the theme by realising that the decline of religion in the public sphere, in the 20th century is increasingly obviously an aberration not the norm, much to the exasperation of the liberals who thought they'd killed God off. There are some encouraging notes (to me):
And there are some well-observed cautions as well, such as:
This latter point provides opportunities as well as threats. A combination of the need to be "tolerant" (which is becoming seen as 'not expressing an opinion that others might disagree with') with pluralism, makes those who want to talk about the core Christian beliefs in public a target for the political correctness police. After all, there are just as large areas of agreement between Islamic and Christian Theology as there are points of agreement. As far as I understand it, the concept that Jesus could be God's Son is as good as blasphemy to a Muslim, yet is the core truth to Christians.When will we start seeing Vicars, Priests or Chaplains jailed for speaking out Christian beliefs? I've heard predictions it will happen in the UK by 2020. Which is an interesting thought as I start to write my sermon for December on "Suffering for being a Christian" ...