Just visited the amazing new Scottish Parliament building designed by Enric Mirailes -- complex doesn't begin to describe it! I'd hate to have been the builders - every item looked different, with almost no straight walls. We resisted the temptation to sit in the First Minister's seat in the debating chamber, or press his (voting) buttons (ooo errr). We loved the idea of the Contemplation Pods designed to encourage the MSPs to think carefully before going to the Chamber, and Martha spotted the
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight (Psalm 19.14)
phrase carved on the outside of the building, which couldn't be more fitting. The building is almost inpsiring enough to make you want to be a Scottish Parliamentarian, particularly they now have some powers.
We spent some time discussing the Jack Straw article in Prospect about the West Lothian question, which says that it's best to leave it be, otherwise you'll start down the path of full devolution ...