Since giving my thoughts on the NHS's Summary Care Records scheme, I've discovered some more relevant news. Partly at the urging of the British Medical Association, the Department of Health decreed a week ago that the roll-out should stop, "until ...
I've been waiting for a particular letter from the NHS to arrive, and today was the day. You'll get one too. It introduces the Summary Care Record (SCR) scheme which is being gradually rolled out across England, and in several phases. I know a thi...
A previous boss taught me that "you can't manage something until you can measure it". You have to be careful to measure the right things, obviously ... ... but I got thinking about how I use my time. At work I have to measure my time, though no-on...
This morning I ran in the Cheltenham 10k race. I was much less apprehensive, as I'd done one 10k before. But it was colder, and much windier than the Evesham Vale one back in July. We forgot to take a camera to the racecourse, but here's a picture...
Hmm. There are 3 different 10k races close by in late September and early October. I don't have the energy or commitment to do more than one. So, should it be Cirencester, Cricklade or Cheltenham? Whichever, I do need to manage rather more miles a...
Despite it being two months ago, I feel I should post my thoughts on my first 10k race. The Evesham Vale 10k was (in my non-existent experience) well organised, and as I hoped good for a first-timer. Before and at the start it was drizzling persis...
That's the % of fat in the milk we're now trying. And to be honest we can't tell the difference. So depending on the dairy, we'll now be mostly buying orange or purple milk, not green. I doubt it's really going to make much health difference, but ...