It's rare to hear the phrase "making ATMs more human and delightful". But check out the video at, and they'll get you to smile as well ...
Solar Roadways (YouTube video). H/T David Gate.
We're just back from a fascinating hour at the Music Festival. Featuring two professors and several professional musicians, it was the first in the Sound Mind series that aimed to fuse together the Science and Music festivals. It asked the questio...
We recently decided as part of the re-decoration of our living room, to commission a piece of art from Worcester-based artist Sharon McSwiney. She creates wonderful decorative metalwork installations and jewellery, and we first caught sight of her...
This is great: designers trying to improve the confusing and generally dreadful designs of boarding passes. The author's original attempts aren't nearly as great as the later offerings.
Now that we've got Monty-the-dog, we don't have space for a big real tree. So we thought we'd create one to hang on the wall. After a week of making, it's now hanging in the lounge ... If people are interested I'll post a description of how I made...
Looks strange so far, but see more pictures and the fully story at iconeye, and you'll see its brilliance.